Tag Archives: weightloss supplement

Ups Downs and New Beginnings


First and foremost I would like to take a moment and address the woman who tried to kill my bestie and I at the gym last week via chemical warfare: OMG!!! why must you douse yourself in Cameo (stinky 80’s perfume) before coming to the gym? or do you go to work like that and reapply every two hours, murdering your co-workers in the process? Look, we’re all stinky people at the gym. I hate it when people give me bullshit like “Oh i really don’t stink.” or “I don’t sweat” well that’s because you’re not working hard enough. DUH.

Anyway, today I had a meeting with a great friend I met at my last job. Meeting is kinda a harsh word. we really hung out. and talked about everything!! 😀 He challanged me a few days ago regarding my weight loss and his product, Usana. I’m not a big supplement user. I don’t like the idea of using chemicals to replace food. Well, today was super informative. Plus, I got to eat Menudo.

does it really work!? :) He decided to hook me up with an Usana 5 day RESET kit. He’s big into the healthy lifestyle and I do trust him. I know He’s not going to put my goals in jeopardy for a sale. Especially because I am completely broke. So money is not a factor in this challenge. This is a personal thing between him and I. The reason we are doing this is because he wants me to cleanse. And I do too! I want a fresh start to my digestive system and what i choose to put into my body! Now this isn’t a hardcore cleanse. It’s a light cleanse and really what I’m looking for is more of a mental reset. I want to push myself to go to the next level and lose past the 21 lbs I’ve already lost. I seem to be kinda stuck.

Usana has been around for 20 years. No joke. Look it up. It’s Gluten Free!!! which is hugely important to me. It is also FDA approved and has been tested over and over again to make sure that it is not only safe, but healthy. The company doesn’t deal in just shakes and bars, it also deals in the highest level of over the counter vitamins on the market. (no kiddin i looked it up!) It also has a skin care line that is PARABENS free. That’s actually really hard to find these days. Companies will slip that shit into your beauty regimine without even telling you! Jerks!

Anyway I’m not here to sell the product. I’m here to test it. Starting tomorrow, I am doing the Reset. This will consist of 3 shakes a day and two snack bars. If I feel hungry I can supplement with fruits veggies and water. NO MORE PROCESSED FOOD other than the Usana product. This means my veggies will be flavored with.. LEMON juice squeezed by me. I’m goin hardcore!

Once the 5 day reset is done, I’ll post a before/after shot with before/after weights. I’ll also be posting every day about how it makes me feel physically. As the shakes have protein in it, I need to be matching my gym trips with my shake intake. 🙂 MATH! I can do it! 😀

I want to do this to reset my life. not just my fat ass.

I’ve looked into the ingredients in the product as well as the usage to make sure this was right for me and I am accepting this challenge. It’s not a permanent diet or one of those scary cleanses that make you feel like you’ve just crapped your lungs out. (graphic! hahaha) That’s important to me.

On a sadder note,

I came home told my mom and instead of supporting me (because that’s just not something she seems to have the ability to do when it comes to weight loss) she bashed me for it. She said “then it doesn’t work and you have to buy more” Being that I didn’t even buy this kit which is normally not a drop in the damned bucket I explained that I just wanted her support in my trying to live a healthier life and starting over in my food intake. I asked her why she couldn’t support that and she straight up told me she was looking at it from a business standpoint.

I sat in my room and cried for a moment before I took a deep breath and decided that I no longer needed her support. I have others for that.

So let’s see what happens. Tomorrow morning, you’ll get a full picture and description of day one LOL let’s hope this stuff doesn’t taste like crap!